Saturday, May 30, 2020

GPIB - HP 3478A multimeter

Another post for the GPIB series for an HP 3478 multimeter.

First code is how to display a string and then how to do a voltage readout.

Here's the code:

=== code begin

import time
import pyvisa
import sys

rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('GPIB0::20::INSTR')

line = []
def count(instrument):

 output=inst.query("D2 CT2GQV")

 print "Set display to: CT2GQV",
# print output,


=== code end

And the result:

If you want to read voltage (GPIB "F1" function) use the following code as example (no screenshot but similar to the code from previous posts series on GPIB), one version with graphical interface and another further bellow just from command line:

=== code start (graphical interface)
import Tkinter as tk
import pyvisa
import time

rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# GPIB ID of my instrument is "20"
inst = rm.open_resource('GPIB0::20::INSTR')

counter = 0
def counter_label(label):
  def count():
    global counter
    counter += 1
    label.after(1000, count)

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("HP 3478A DC Volts")
label = tk.Label(root, fg="light green", bg ="dark green", font = "Helvetica 18 bold italic")
button = tk.Button(root, text=' EXIT ', width=45, command=root.destroy)

=== code end

=== code start (read from command line)
import time
import pyvisa
import sys

rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
inst = rm.open_resource('GPIB0::20::INSTR')

line = []
def count(instrument):


 print "DC Volts:",
 print output,

=== code end

The multimeter inside look's like this:

Have a nice day!

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