Saturday, December 01, 2012

GDM test

Saw this simple GDM:

And decided to give it a try.

 It's just simple because the generator part of the circuit is omitted...

I didn't needed the 2k2 pot (was set to zero) and the diode used although also "Ge" didn't had markings.

"Generator" was the MFJ.

On the following photo is the "dip" on a LC test circuit:

Analog "voltmeter" was the reflected power scale (only had this meter on hand)....

Here's a no "dip" situation:

Control was made using my trustee dip meter...
..."dip" at the same frequency, so it works!

Lot's of info on dip meters at: ,
unfortunately LA8AK is SK but his family still serve's his nice pages at:

Have a nice weekend.

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