Said that, here's some tests I made thinking in building one of 300pf for a long waiting antenna tuner project.
Movable part will be the coaxial cable... well correctly speaking it depends on your reference point of view...
I only have to found a smaller diameter cooper tube since this one used for tests leaves a 1mm gap to the coaxial cable and I want a tighter tolerance.
Only have to and build 10 similar pieces to get the expected capacitance.
how long is the 30pF cable? what cable did you use?
I'm interest because i want to remove the sandard variable capacitor from my L match in my 50MHz Yagi
Hello Adrian,
My test was done in a 10cm piece of rg-213 coax and about 8cm of 1.5cm diameter copper tube. keep in mind that this is just a prof of concept; it must be optimized but I am sure it will work in your aplicatiom.
73 de Ricardo - CT2GQV
yes, it's really recomended for my antenna, but i used for the gama match a standard variable cap.
after this winter i will implement it with coax.
thanks Ricardo for the article... it it a good remainder for me HI!
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