Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Toroid info and meter adapter

Having some toroids in the junk box and also having some difficulty selecting the best one for the job I decided to grab some information about those scary little things....

You can have a guess on what type you have by testing the inductance of a given number of turns at a given frequency. My idea is to build a litle adapter for my inductance meter and make a nice little table ( read: handwritten) with the given number of turns/frequency/toroid type/inductance. It will be easier with an adapter since holding the toroid to an PL plug is not the best practice, my "inductance" meter uses a PL plug.

In the photo some data on toroids and the future adapter "schematic" ( in the midle of the photo)...
Basically 2 crocodile claws to hold the toroid turns soldered to a PL plug.

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