No big science here, the venerable NE602 working as a mixer....again...
This was part of a NAVTEX receiver experiment. NAVTEX signals are around 490 and 518 Khz so I first built an PLL oscilator for those frequencies (for a DC receiver) but the PLL never worked like I wished so the idea was first to make the conversion to 4Mhz and then built a direct receiver around that frequency. Never did built the receiver but tested the converter against my TS-50 and it did received great.
The PCB schematic is not exactly the same in the paper (different input filter) but any design with the NE602 will work.
Schematic is close to unreadable.
Hello Tom,
Thank you for the comment.
For similar schematic with better re-ability see also here:
They say the NE602 performs better at a supply voltage around 8V.
Hello Zoltán,
Thank you for the input.
You are correct, with 8.5V conversion gain is a bit higher and noise figure lower but only noticeable above 30C.
73 de Ricardo/CT2GQV
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