Decided to put the second Si570 kit in a box, here's the outcome.
The box aluminum was very thin and I didn't placed a protection in when driling so got some marks, nothing that a nice front plate won't disguise.
Doing some house clean up, found 2 multimeter. My first ever multimeter (my father ofering circa 1988) and a digital one, placed a new battery on the digital one and it works. My first one never worked very well in AC voltage range, it went two times for repair under warranty and never returned ok. Incidentally my broken scope is of the same brand. So, just in case, don't ever buy "Kiotto" brand equipment (I think it's some rebranding for local market)
parabens pela montagem mas nao está um pouco grande ????
eu por mim faria uma caixa mais pequena.
mas grande ou pequena está uma boa montagem.
boas construcçoes.
73 de pedro almeida
O tamanho e' enganador, nao foi facil colocar a extensao do eixo, era para colocar la' um receptor mas decidi fazer por modulos assim tenho mais flexibilidade.
73 de Ricardo - CT2GQV
ja deu para comparar na 1 foto como canivete suiço !!!
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