After completion on this little interface (see previous post) I decided to test against my super Pentium III at 500Mhz Linux machine..... not super but it works :) It's an dedicate computer just for the radios.
First problem, I have Fedora Core 2 installed but didn't installed the development libraries so at the first attempt to compile the Gpsk31 software it failed, Installed the development and compiled gpsk31-0-4.2, had some problem compiling it and had to remove line 92 of menu.C (it was an menu option "about Gpsk", I think) no big deal, it's supposed that you know the software you are using.
After that verified that there was no sound on the computer and after checking the card in use ( dmesg | more ) and looked for audio string. I tried the following command: "modprobe snd-es18xx" bingo at first time! I have audio!
Dmesg output is this one:
"isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: Card 'ESS ES1869 Plug and Play AudioDrive'
isapnp: 1 Plug & Play card detected total"
Remember, you have to edit some files to get audio every boot, will do that in about one year :) for now it's ok like this, I love to issue commands on the shell :)
Problems didn't ended on software, I was having problems getting the PTT interface to work, after checking that I had connected the cables wrong way on the 4N35 IC, I placed it "dead bug" on the air with the cables connecting directly and I counted the pins upside down (only in one of the sides).
After getting PTT to work it was time to get some receiving...
No matter how many circuits you made it's always special when some think that you build works!
I listened to some Spanish station QSOing with and Russian station, everything work like a charm.
I just didn't tested the audio on transmiting since Portugal is going to play against the Swiss team for Euro 2008 and I want to see the game :)
The finished product, can you see the 4N35 on this new technic? Dead bug on open air.

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