Sunday, November 14, 2021

Linux PIC16F628 programing on the cheap

Had to program a 16F628 PIC for a frequency counter kit that let the magic smoke out.

First I tested with the PIC included on a different kit to see if would work, in fact looks like all these kits use the same code from DL4YHF.  

The programmer diagram was a re-use of one that I used in the past, see schematic:


 From here and other ideas here.

 I had some problems making it to run on the laptop but using the serial port from the desktop it worked.

Commands to use were this ones:

# picprog --device=pic16f628 --pic /dev/ttyS0  --erase
# picprog --input-hexfile=counter2.hex --device=pic16f628 --pic /dev/ttyS0 --burn
(Picprog version 1.9.1)

I did not had a serial port plug so resorted to use some terminals, for a one of, it's ok

The assembly re-using the board from another test project:

The programmer that had the PIC issue, now running:

  and the clone kit used for testing the PIC:


...eventually one day ill get a "proper" programmer but for one PIC every so often it's perfectly fine this way.

That's it, have a nice day!

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