Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Arduino day!

Altough not a big fan of the digital and microcontroller part of the electronics world, I tried a few projects.

Last Saturday (28 March) was Arduino day so decided to post here some of the projects built with this little and "powerful" board.

1. Most important project so far is the "Trevo" transceiver VFO and control:

...a work in progress. The pot is for IF shift control, waiting for some patience to program the rest of the code, right now I can control the frequency by CAT and by the rotary encoder under the red knob. In the end will use the big Yaesu one that I got this week.

2. Testing of temperature, pressure an humidity sensors for a weather station or similar, using a Nokia LCD:

...it's the only "true" Arduino board I have, on other projects I'm using clones

3. The "Park Air Electronics" airband receiver external PLL controller (finished):

....maybe more to come.

Have a nice week!

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